Russian River Rally 2008
It will soon be July and that means it’s time for the annual ACTC Russian River Rally in Duncan Mills, July 18th – 20th. Please contact Nancy Kenny or Pat Stenstrom to reserve a spot as there is a 65 person limit to the campground and last year we filled up fast. (click on this photo to see enlarged)
The campsites available this year for camping are 101, 109A, 109B and 110. These are different sites than last year, click this link for the campground map Campground Map or please see map at Thanks! One thing we ask in regards to camping is that; No one parks their car in middle of the campsites. This will leave more area for tent set up. The new management of Casisni Family Ranch requires that each car check in at the gate and provide names of all people in the party and the vehicle license number. Once checked in you will receive a parking pass that must be displayed in the vehicle while parked at the campsite. This will prevent cars from being towed.
Camping for ACTC will be available on Friday 7/18/08 at 12 noon. Anyone planning on arriving before this time must make his or her own camping arrangements.
Many people will arrive on Friday evening. This year we will be having a chili dinner with all the trimmings. However, we encourage you to bring a cooler with your beverages of choice, an appetizer for before the dinner and any other snacks and drinks you will need for the weekend. ACTC coolers will not be available for personal use.
Saturday morning a continental breakfast will be served. Saturday night we have a potluck BBQ in camp. Please bring meat to grill, and a nice dish to share with all. Charcoal will be provided by ACTC.
Sunday morning, everyone is on their own for breakfast. Many people ride into Occidental or Duncan Mills before packing up to go home.
Route sheets will be provided for rides of all abilities.
Click this link for the location of Casini Ranch – Location Map
Remember your chairs.
We ask that all campers be prepared lend a hand with the housekeeping and cooking as needed. It means a lot to have everyone pitch in!
Nancy Kenny, (408) 244-4650,
Pat Stenstrom, (408) 227-8724,