Saturday May 3rd, 2025
Tierra Bella, Spanish for beautiful countryside, has been one of the best century rides in the Bay Area since 1977. The graceful hills of Gilroy Hot Springs and Henry Coe, exploding with poppies and lupines, giant Manzanitas and Oak trees with crooked knots reminding us of VanGogh paintings, are unchanged ...
Two score years ago, ACTC, then with just a hundred members, bravely created the first Tierra Bella Century. Historical ACTC Members still with the club are Ken Schwab (Past President and Club's Art Designer), Rosa and Lou Mason, Connie and Terry Shaw, Peter Enright (first VP and second President), and ...
December 4th 2016
Club Events
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Dip your toes and front wheel in Lake Tahoe and dip them again a week later in the Pacific Ocean in San Francisco, how cool is that!
Sierra to the Sea, an uniquely ACTC tour started by the late Past-President Rod Annable, has a new exciting route from South Tahoe to ...
December 4th 2016
Club Events
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Poppies, lupines, shooting stars, Indian paint brushes, and uniquely large Manzanitas greeted John Muir on his historic walk to Yosemite and remain unchanged to greet ACTC Tierra Bella cyclists on April 1st, 2017. Next year will mark the 40th Anniversary of Tierra Bella, a 'beautiful country' bicycle tour to showcase ...
“Sitting, more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV, and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death.†— Dr. James Levine, Mayo Clinic
Sitting, like smoking, is clearly not healthy. Heart diseases and many forms of cancer prefer sedentary bodies, obesity and diabetes thrive with inactivity, ...
A Journey together
On the 39th Tierra Bella;
Beautiful countryside
Over a thousand joined this great ride
Impossible without our volunteers
Who made Tierra Bella a success with no peers;
Janice and Ray Low
Came from faraway Novato
Although not filled to capacity,
Michael Hudick and company
Did our very best;
I was impressed
Our volunteers did everything Rita asked
Together we accomplished ...
"Pessimists see difficulty in every opportunity, and optimists see opportunity in every difficulty"  — Winston Churchill
Yes, difficulties abound in the next few years. In this increasingly tumultuous time, from terrorist attacks and threats of more, partisan bickering, economic uncertainty, permits and fee escalation, and competition from many old and new ...
Russian River Rally (RRR) is August 14-16 this year. For more information, please see the page You can register at that page until August 1 at 10PM. The page includes a "see who's coming" link that shows who has registered so far.
The days are longest in June, the mountains most golden, the weather mostly warm, and the coast most beautiful even when mysteriously basked in fog. Sierra to the Sea, an uniquely ACTC event created by the late Rod Annable (who's picture still graces the STTS webpage: goes from Bear ...
June 25th 2014
Club Events
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July 4th Pancake Breakfast
Members Only
First Congregational Church
Leigh & Hamilton, San Jose
8am – 10 am
Note: No July General Meeting on Wednesday
July 12 Ice Cream Social
Members Only
First Congregational Church, Palo Alto
1985 Louis Rd, Palo Alto Chair, Sheila Stevens Â
Russian River Rally 2014
ACTC Members Only
Casini Family Ranch
July 25-27, 2014