Help SJ Trails: Trail Count 2008

Trail Count 2007 information played a part in the award of $1Million worth of grants, and also helped keep the Guadalupe River Trail open during the Grand Prix.

If you can help in 2008, please contact and mention that you are from ACTC.  Currently, they are looking for volunteers at the following locations, dates, and times.

Stations 9/17, 9/20, 9/24
12 hour 7am-6:30 pm
1.   Guadalupe River Trail, near  Park Avenue
2.   Guadalupe River Trail, near  Coleman Avenue
3.   Los Gatos Creek Trail, near  Hamilton Avenue

Stations 9/17, 9/24

Two peak hour count stations (7-9 and 4-6) are to be located at:
1.   Highway 87 Bikeway, near Tamien Station
2.   Los Gatos Creek Trail, near  Auzerais Avenue

Paul Metz, Debbie Wade, Joanne Grimaldi, David and Deborah Hoag, and Chuck Schultz have volunteered their time so far.

Paul Metz


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