Remembrance of Bonnie Bliss

It is with sadness to report the passing of Bonnie Bliss, ACTC Editor from 1993-1995. Bonnie and Bill, along with their two daughters Shannon, 8, and Heather, 7, bicycled across the US in 1976. Bonnie carried half the family luggage on a single while Bill took the two girls on a homemade triple tandem. That historic bicentennial crossing earned an enshrinement for their tandem at the Adventure Cycling Association headquarters in Missoula Montana. Bill became a cycling ambassador that brought us respect, safe routes, and the Bay Trail. Bonnie did her share helping ACTC since our inception in 1976, but in addition, she took care of family that allowed Bill to serve our community.

Consistent with Bonnie’s wishes there will be a private service. She will be laid to rest with Bill in the Los Gatos Memorial Park. A bench honoring her life will be installed on the SF Bay Trail in Palo Alto near the statue “Bliss in the Moment”.

My thoughts are with the Bliss family.

Tony Le, ACTC President


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  1. Gary Flint
    Sep 27th 2022

    I too rode Bikecentennial ’76, an unforgettable experience. Nice to read this remembrance of Bonnie…I never had the pleasure of meeting her but sounds like a life well-lived.
    Gary Flint

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