Let’s Go Bike Camping at the Russian River Rally!


As an ACTC Member, you are invited to attend a FREE OF CHARGE* (deposit required) annual bike camping at the Casini Family Ranch Resort during the ACTC Russian River Rally August 17-19, 2012!

NOTE: A link for the paper registration form has been updated at the end of this post.

*Registration (per person):

$20 deposit/pp – July 1 – 21 OR:
$30 deposit/pp – July 22 – 28  OR:
$40 deposit/pp – July 29 – Aug 10, if space is still available.

Sign up Online  (faster) here, OR do a mail in registration with your check (below):

Golden Gate 1000K Fort Ross photo by USA Randonneur Norman Rohr June 22, 2012

Rally is for all campers, all ages, and even if staying elsewhere. All monies returned as long as the registrant attends the RRR 2012. If registrant does not attend, the deposit is forfeited (unless space is unavailable) and contributed to the event. Rides form at camp.


___Deposit ___Potluck item___License plate # of vehicle___tent, bag, pad, bike & clothes___other: (sunblock, etc.)

___Carpool?__Bike in?___ACTC membership___Camp Shift Sign Up (~60′ per camper) via: Task Sign Up Sheet

FAQs: What to do, where to ride, what to bring for potluck Saturday, what’s for camp meals other times, showers?:

Many activities nearby: wine tours, dive, kayak, explore, swim, hike, shop, nap, beach comb, with or without biking!Bring a dish to share at the potluck dinner on Saturday. Club will provide some Webers and some grilled meats. Club supplies:

Friday’s camp dinner, Saturday and Sunday breakfast, and PBJ level supplies for packing Saturday and Sunday lunch. Rally opens Friday August 17th at 5pm, closes by 2pm on Sunday August 19th. You may also stay in separate lodging or RV sites at your own expense (in addition to the Rally Deposit), contact Casini Family Ranch Resort/local inns for availability.  To avoid long lines on Friday, arrive by bike or carpool. Hot showers:  nearby our camp sites, in common restrooms, quarters are not required. Bring camping gear: flashlights, goodies, jacket, tent, bag and pad. Club reserved sites are first come first served but all sites are nice.

Extra: This event corresponds to the 200 year celebration of the Fort Ross Bi-Centennial for the Russian settlement of the Pacific Northwest (Contact Robin Joy, Fort Ross State Park Interpretive Specialist, for details)For more details about this event, please refer to the prior webpage descriptions for RRR2011.

NOTE: ACTC Members should use the link below as the central information form for All RRR2012 Members to record their license plate #s, and for one-stop communication, even if they have deposited online (via Eventbrite/Paypal/Credit Card). Or course, if a registered member does not attend, then they need to tell me via email ASAP,  as this change is not automated…Brian Chun


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