2011 ACTC Board Candidates

The following individuals are running for the 2011 ACTC Board. You can vote by mail in ballot or online. Online voting will open by November 15th and all club members will receive an email with voting instructions.


Herman Wadler: A former vice-president of ACTC, I have been an active club member for eight years, as well as Dean of the ACTC Academy, a League Cycling Instructor and a bicycle advocate.

I currently serve as chair of the Campbell Bicycle Advisory Committee. I am also a member of two Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) committees -– the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) (former chair) and the Citizens Advisory Committee. Previously I served
on the board of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC). Having served two consecutive years as chair of the VTA BPAC, I feel I have the background and training to serve as ACTC president and look forward to a year of progress and growth for the club.

Vice President

Michael Curtis: It has been a an enjoyable year and I would like to continue to serve the club this next year. I have been a member for more years than I would care to count and I would like to make this whole year a celebration of 35 years of the club. We are a great group of people with lots of varied experience and passion for the sport. Lets celebrate our love for each other and the club.

Membership Chair

Brian Chun: Thank you for the opportunity to serve the club as Membership Chair for 2010. I look forward to your consideration for this important club duty for 2011. See you cycling soon

Ride Coordinator

Patrice Carney: For 2011 my focus will be to continue to work towards clarifying the Ride Guidelines for leadership, participation and stats credit. In addition, I hope to work with our new Webmaster to fine tune the online Ride Schedule, and to support the efforts of our Webmaster and Statistician in automating (or simplifying) the stats submittal/collection process. Most importantly, my mandate will be to continue supporting all our ride leaders with their traditional rides, events and tours as well as expanding our offerings of new adventures in cycling!

Communication Coordinator

Tony Le: We will continue to modernize our means of communication within ACTC and to our community but with respect to our 35 years of history. When I first joined ACTC (probably 30 years ago), our club was small and easily manageable (I was the Newsletter Editor). Today, our club is much bigger, many members reside out of the immediate area, and our supporting infrastructure is changing rapidly. For example, Ralph Coole used to haul newsletters EVERY month to the Meridian post office for decades. It was no small task but doable because Ralph lives close to that post office. Today, we can’t drop them off at just any post office; it has to be in Milpitas. The post office rules are constantly changing to make their life easier, not ours. The consequence is that we are taxing our volunteers to the max (remember we all want to ride and some of us still have a job). It does not have to be that way and furthermore we want to have some control of our own destiny. I have some ideas and together we will move forward in a constructive way without abandoning our past.


Paul Vlasveld: ACTC finances deserve close attention in order to assure all members that the club contributions and funds are put to the most effective use. To ensure such close attention requires a treasurer who has demonstrated that he or she is capable of handling money matters with precision. I believe I have demonstrated this capability as Treasurer for the past several years. I am a financial conservative, and I can promise that all expenditures made by ACTC will receive the same degree of scrutiny that I afford my personal cash flow.

This coming year, I will be introducing some additional financial controls that will help keep the club financially sound. Finally, I feel that handling other people’s money efficiently and effectively is a matter of honor, and I would be proud to continue to serve as the ACTC Treasurer.


Lynn Tweedie:I am a long time member of ACTC and find that bicycling brings me great joy!  I was club secretary in 2007 and 2008 and have a good feel for the position. As secretary for 2011 I will do my best to communicate as concisely and accurately as possible what goes on at our monthly meetings.  I am looking forward to a year of celebration and fun as we recognize the people, places and events that have held us together for the past 35 years.


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