Ice Cream Social July 28, 2012

All club members are invited to the 2012 ACTC Ice Cream Social. This event has had various names, locations and times in the past, but here are the details for this year:

When: Saturday, July 28th
Ice cream served 12:30-2:30 pm
Where: First UCC San Jose Courtyard (corner of Hamilton and Leigh)
What: Ice cream and fixings

Grizzly Bear Credit will be given for a general to/from ride to be listed by
Sheila Stevens. Please consider listing and leading other rides before or after, to correspond to the event. In the past there has been a Hard Serve Billy Goat and Soft Serve Billy Goat. Mountain bikers might prefer a Rocky Road Ride. Creative ride titles encouraged! Remember, impromptu rides can be listed until three days prior!

The timing allows for an early lunch ride followed by dessert, or just a good
ride followed by a lunch of ice cream.

I will need volunteers to help with setup, serving and cleanup. Please let me
know if you are available or have a preferred position. Early responders get
first choice of jobs. Please let me know your first choice by email @ russ_sheila (at) att (dot) net:

Set up: 11:30-12:30
Serving: 12:30-1:30
Serving: 1:30-2:30
Clean-up (and left over taker homers): 2:30-3:00

Hope to see you there!


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