Entirely Up to You

Happy New Year!
Let us thank Melissa Maglio and Jim Schallau, who served on the 2014 Board, and welcome Ahmed Masood and Dan Swanson for 2015. We also thank John Nielson, who served many years as Quartermaster, keeping track of everything ACTC owns in two storage sheds and the trailer.

Entirely Up To You
Years ago, Jean Converse started three quintessential ACTC programs: Billy Goats, Grizzly Bears, and the Academy. Although Jean may have started the Billy Goats series while a Board member, both the Bears and the Academy were created when she was a regular member. Another member, “Speedy”, started the Russian River Rally. The Ice Cream Social was a farewell party for Richard Brunner, who subsequently changed his mind and stayed. Tierra Bella and Sierra to the Sea are staffed almost entirely by regular members. Although I have every confidence in the 2015 Board to steer ACTC, we need every member engaged to be successful. Be a Jean, Speedy, or Richard — it is entirely up to you and all of us together to make ACTC the best we can be.

Tony Le, ACTC President


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