Two Score Years

Two score years ago ACTC was formed by seven GE engineers with much uncertainty. On that Bicentennial Year of 1976, a rush of excitement came from ragtag groups to bicycle across the US to celebrate Bikecentennial. Our late Bill Bliss participated in the crossing on his homemade triple tandem with his two young daughters. Was it a fad that would disappear quickly? Greg Lemond’s winning the Tour de France would not be for another decade (1986).

In forty years, ACTC has experienced a lot of ups and downs. With the guidance of many ACTC leaders, our two great events, Tierra Bella and Sierra to the Sea (created by Rod Annable) have endured the test of time. Another member, Jean Converse, single-handedly started three most successful and uniquely ACTC programs, Billy Goats, Grizzly Bears, and the Academy. Down part? Having to say goodbye to many friends.

Today, ACTC is alive and well. Members are active, smart, hard working, generous, caring, and from a diverse background. Cycling in the Bay Area, state-wide, and nationally, is surging as more people realize that bicycling benefits everyone in so many ways: healthy, fun, less traffic and less road repair (benefits even those who drive), saves money, and good for business.

We thank Jeff Roberts for serving on the Board for the last three years and welcome a new Communication Coordinator Molly Mazzella. Have a great 2016!

Tony Le, ACTC President


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