Sitting — the New Smoking

“Sitting, more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV, and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death.” — Dr. James Levine, Mayo Clinic

Sitting, like smoking, is clearly not healthy. Heart diseases and many forms of cancer prefer sedentary bodies, obesity and diabetes thrive with inactivity, and recent studies showed that even our mental capacity disappears faster the more we sit around every day.

However, many of these diseases are preventable so we have some control of our destiny. ACTC weekend rides are good starts but a daily dose of exercise is necessary to keep the doctor away.

Many ACTC members already ride nearly everyday so it may be like preaching to the choir but we all have family and friends who need some encouragement. We are proud that ACTC have many family-friendly events: Rotary Playgarden Celebration and July 4th Pancake Breakfast, upcoming Ice Cream Social, Olema Campout, and Progressive Dinner, but all ride-leaders are encouraged to lead at least one LM no-one-left-behind ride so beginning friends and family can start their journey with ACTC to sit less!

Best with no smoking and less sitting,
Tony Le, ACTC President


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