Daniel Pearl World Music Days Concert 26 October 2017

When journalists are harassed, persecuted, maimed, or killed by both the far left and the far right, we know they are on the right track. It is then upon us to stand up for those who perished trying to uncover the truth or else “free press” might as well be free pass.

Daniel Pearl, a Stanford Alumnus, musician, and journalist extraordinaire was murdered in Pakistan in 2002. The Daniel Pearl Foundation promotes memorial concerts throughout the world to counter the hatred that took Daniel Pearl’s life.

Celebrate Daniel Pearl’s humanity at the Stanford Memorial Church on October 26, 2017, 7:30pm. This annual free concert always includes many first class musicians. Lead a bicycle ride there or drive if you have to. Free parking after 4pm on campus. Hope ACTC members will help pack the concert!

Tony Le, ACTC President


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