ACTC Mission Statement

In January 1976, a blue document appeared in bicycling circles in San Jose, with the unusual title of “The Black and Blue Bottom”. Its introduction said: “This first issue of our new cycling club newsletter would like to be a welcome mat for new members. It is fun to get together as a group and enjoy a form of exercise you can do sitting down. We propose activities that will be as varied as overnight camping and indoor potluck parties and as exciting as passing cars down mountain roads or as quiet as a roll through the park when those cars are forbidden. Whatever we do, our purpose is to come together on bicycles and be friends to one another. It’s easy; come to a club meeting or be at the start of a ride.”

This ACTC Mission Statement remains true and strong today as we are the most welcoming bicycling club in the whole SF Bay Area. Our prolific ride schedule, Tierra Bella, Sierra to the Sea, a unique ACTC Academy, and our philanthropic actions are built on the characters of our diverse membership.

The late John Bass concluded on his historical take of ACTC in 1993: “The Almaden Cycle Touring Club is many things to many people, but it is a place to ride a bike and make friends above all else.”

Looking forward to a great 2018!

Tony Le, ACTC President


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