This Marching Band Played for Me

On top of beautiful Twin Peaks in a past ACTC tour of San Francisco, I was thrilled to see the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Freedom Marching Band making their way up. Marching bands are my favorites; I used to spend my whole day at the UC Davis Picnic Day Battle of the Bands.

There were rows of empty seats and it was obvious where the band would be playing right in front. I sat my tired body there, anxiously awaiting. The band re-assembled and the Conductor was reviewing his musicians.

“You can’t sit there!” Ordered a guard in an authoritative voice, louder than a trombone. Not wanting to make a scene, I moved and stood to the side.

The Conductor saw and heard the commotion and then did the unthinkable. He directed the band to move to the left of the stand and centered in front of me.

The concert started. I don’t remember what happened to people in those seats but all I knew was the Band was playing for me! When you tour by bicycle, the world is on your side.

Tony Le, ACTC President



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